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Book Marketing & Promotion Advice From The Indie Author Fringe (IAF) 2017

Book Marketing & Promotion Advice from the Indie Author Fringe (IAF) 2017

3 column IAF Book ExpoAs indie authors everywhere fine-tune their marketing plans for the new year, we revisit the great advice shared about all aspects of promoting self-published books and reaching more readers via our June 2017 Indie Author Fringe (IAF) conference, held to coincide with Book Expo (formerly known as Book Expo America or BEA).

IAF is ALLi's series of free online, 24-hour conferences, with round-the-clock sessions led by experts in their fields, sharing best self-publishing practice from around the world.

It's worth taking time to check out the marketing posts listed below, to inspire and inform your 2018 action plan. ALLi's advice is to pick and choose the methods that are the best match for your books, for your target readers, for your personal preference and for your budget (financial and time-wise). This post will help you prioritise:

And if you're baffled by the titles and jargon in some of the posts, read this piece first:


Something for Everyone

There's bound to be some ideas here that you will find useful and that you will positively enjoy implementing for YOUR books. Mostly in video form, these talks are all still available for you to catch up with, for free – just click the links to dive in.


Sign up for IAF 2018

If that plethora of helpful free advice has left you hungry for more of the same, you can already sign up to attend our first free IAF of the new year here.

Tomorrow on the blog we'll be revisiting the last IAF of 2017, which focused on how to run an author business – a must-read for all aspiring authorpreneurs!

26 top posts about #bookmarketing for indie #authors & #selfpub books to inspire your 2018 marketing plan Share on X



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