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Indie Author 101: Book Reviews: Best Practice: Adam Borretz

Indie Author 101: Book Reviews: Best Practice: Adam Borretz

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Adam Borretz

In a series of sessions broadcast direct from BookExpo, Ingram Spark and Publisher's Weekly bring you a starter course on what you need to know to market and promote a self-published book.

This seminar will cover the different types of book reviews available to indie authors; offer strategies and best practices to help self-published authors garner review coverage; discuss how to best use reviews as part of an overall marketing strategy; examine case studies of authors who have used reviews to boost their readership and further their careers; and provide best practices for everything from querying bloggers and submitting books to dealing with negative reviews.

#IndieAuthorFringe Book Reviews: Best Practice @booklife bit.ly/2rACWON Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Adam Borretz? Leave him a comment below, or send him a Tweet using @booklife and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Adam Borretz

IAF BookExpo IngramSpark Offer

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Adam, really comprehensive overview, appreciate it. I would suggest a couple notes: trade reviews (PW, Kirkus, LJ, Foreword) are mostly licensed by wholesalers Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Bowker. If you can score one, your review automatically gets uploaded to their databases, where librarians and booksellers shop for books. Secondly, our magazine, Foreword Reviews (parent of Clarion) has reviewed self-published titles for over 20 years. Our guidelines are online. Thanks again for spreading the good word so well.

  2. Adam, I agree with Wolf O’Rourc the information was tops. However the audio quality was very poor. Is it possible to get a PDF of your presentation. I would appreciate it very much and I am sure your followers will too.

    Many thanks.


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