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Global Pricing: How To Cost Your Book To Sell Worldwide: Robin Cutler & Andy Bromley

Global Pricing: How To Cost Your Book To Sell Worldwide: Robin Cutler & Andy Bromley

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[sc:bea2017hdr] Andy Bromley

Robin Cutler and Andy Bromley of Indie Author Fringe gold sponsors, IngramSpark, explain how to use their platform to reach potential buyers all over the world, in ebook and print, online and in bookstores. They are focusing on Global Pricing and How To Cost Your Book To Sell Worldwide.


#IndieAuthorFringe How To Cost Your Book To Sell Worldwide @rcutlerSpark bit.ly/2s5YYpp Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Robin Cutler? Leave her a comment below, or send her a Tweet using @rcutlerSpark and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Robin Cutler and Andy Bromley

IAF BookExpo IngramSpark Offer

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


This Post Has 10 Comments
  1. Dog Ear Publishing is no longer selling my book they had their time. Do not hide behind them Andy. YOU /Ingram are one of the ones who are corroborating and sharing my files. Your logo is in my gmail, how did it get there? All I did was sent Ingram emails. You and your affiliates need to Cease and Decist manipulating my gmail, stop hacking and using my signed gmail to conduct business.

  2. Buyer beware. ANDY is selling ipage for my book and he has no rights to do so. They are conducting business from my email.

  3. I am author and verified owner for ‘ Divine Inspiration’ creation speaks in every language. Dog Ear Publishing services was terminated 2016. I have since then purchased my own ISBN number and registered my title with Bowker. They set up account on Amazon and continue to use my identity with the old ISBN to do business on Amazon with my name and personal identifiable information to sell my book and other authors books and this is 2021. They are currently using the revised version of my manuscript which was removed from my emal via a tablet they had connected to my device, to set up Nook book on Barnes & Nobles.com with my identity.
    Dog Ear Publishing’s services was terminated since 2015. It is clear that the CEO does not under that he is not allowed to do business on my behalf anymore. Your services is not appreciated CEO. Thank you. Orna maybe you could endorse that th him and he will understand.

  4. There’s too much text on the slides to read them in the time they flash by. Please leave the slides up while the speakers start talking or put them as captions on the speaker video.

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