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Campaign Update 2024

Inclusive Authorship, Banned Books, and New Ambassadors: 2024 ALLi Campaigns Update

One of our roles here at the Alliance of Independent Authors is to run our own campaigns to inform or support developments in the self-publishing community, as well as collaborate on the great campaigns run by others that share our values and goals. This week AskALLi gives you a rundown of all the current campaigns and how you can help with this 2024 ALLI Campaigns update.
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AI for Authors: Practical and Ethical Guidelines.

When you hear the words "artificial intelligence" it usually evokes one of two responses, either excitement and curiosity at the prospect of new technologies, bringing more books and products to the world, or fear because the only experience of you have of AI are movies like I, Robot, the Matrix and the Terminator. But the Alliance of Independent Authors is here to show you the plethora of opportunities AI brings authors and how to work with AI ethically. This article is brought to you by Orna Ross. With thanks to Joanna Penn, Laurence O'Bryan of BooksGoSocial, Amit Gupta of Sudowrite, JD Lasica of Authors AI. 
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Self-Publishing Facts And Figures

New Self-Publishing Facts and Figures Released

Following the world’s first independent and international survey of the incomes of self-published (“indie”) authors, commissioned by ALLi and presented at the London Book Fair in April 2023, which showed that self-published authors earn more than authors with traditional publishers, two further reports are now available, offering authors even more facts and figures on self-publishing so that they can make confident business choices.
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Self-publishing Authors Earn More says ALLi Income Survey

A recent survey of more than 2000 authors commissioned by ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors, has found that self-publishing authors earn more than writers with publishers. And that independent (indie) author incomes are rising, year on year. This contradicts information from earlier author income research and is good news for authors choosing the self-publishing route.
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The Big Indie Author Data Drop Announcement

For indie authors, "data" often has negative connotations. We're words people, not numbers. Except, numbers are a core part of business, and we should all be better with data because it helps us grow, and increase income and performance. But what happens when the industry—our industry—doesn't provide us with the data that we need? That's where the Big Indie Data Drop comes in and exactly what the Alliance of Independent Authors is announcing today.
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Open Up to Indie Authors: Campaign Update from ALLi

For ten years, the Alliance of Independent Authors has worked to improve representation for indie authors. One aspect of that work has been getting organizations, awards and services to open their doors to self-publishers. We're delighted to have recently appointed a dedicated manager, Melissa Addey, for this important work and to have updated our Open Up To Indie Authors campaign and "Open Up" guidebook series. This is our Open Up To Indie Authors Campaign update.
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