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10 Book Marketing Steps To A Bestselling Book: Paula Wynne

10 Book Marketing Steps To A Bestselling Book: Paula Wynne


paula-wynne-bwIn this one-hour presentation, award winning online entrepreneur and author Paula Wynne will show you how to build your reading list to sell books and get onto the Amazon paid bestseller charts. Although the book marketing world is a maze that is hard to work out for new and established authors, certain activities are vital to build a reader mailing list. That reader mailing list then comes into play to have your book in front of readers.

#IndieAuthorFringe 10 Marketing Steps To A Bestselling Book @paulawynne bit.ly/2rNNSZ3 Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Paula Wynne? Leave her a comment below, or send her a Tweet using @paulawynne and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Paula Wynne


Every author will walk away with a free copy of Paula's book ‘Book Selling for Authors'. On top of that, one author will win one of each of Book Hub's most popular book marketing services:

  • Book Hub Gold Membership:
    7 book marketing activities rolled into one Gold Membership, ideally suited to authors building their reader mailing lists with lots of list building activities such as review requests, first chapters, free book promos and newsletter swaps!
  • Book Hub Silver Member:
    Includes monthly review requests, first chapters and reader magnet promo. Find out more about a Book Hub Silver Membership.
  • Book Hub Bronze Membership:
    Includes monthly review requests and first chapters promotions. Find out more about a Book Hub Bronze Membership.
  • Exclusive Book Giveaway:
    We will run an Exclusive Giveaway is focused on your books, series, boxset or reader related prize, ideal for book launch ARCs to get reviews, generate buzz and boost your mailing list. Ideal for new authors with small lists or busy self-publishing authors who want a ‘you-do-it-all' service!
  • Book Offers Mailer:
    Have your book featured in Book Hub's Readers News, you can link to Amazon or a free book on your site to capture emails!
  • Author Book Marketing Series:
    One author will win a full set of Paula's Author's Book Marketing Series.

Paula Wynne

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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