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Audiobook Narration Options

From Studio Recordings to Digital Voice Replicas: Audiobook Narration Explained with Jason Kelly

From traditional studio recordings to “synthetic narration” or “digital replicas” authors looking to produce an audiobook today will find lots of new terms being used in the industry. But what does it all mean? In this post, Jason Kelly from new ALLi partner Sounded.com shares his insight into the options available and the new terminology you may discover if you are exploring audiobook production today.
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Diversity Grows In Book Awards

Diversity Grows for Book Award Categories: Book Award Update May 2024

As an independent author, it is vital to stay on top of the latest developments impacting the book publishing industry. One major positive shift is the increasing diversity represented in book award categories. In this Alliance of Independent Authors post, we'll take a look at how the literary world is becoming more diverse and how this is changing the book awards landscape. Welcome to the Book Award Update May 2024 with Hannah Jacobson from Book Award Pro.
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Global Distribution

Global Book Distribution for Indie Authors: ALLi Ultimate Guide

As self-published authors, we have the opportunity to bring our stories to audiences around the world, without the potential barriers or limitations of a traditional publishing house. Reaching out beyond your home nation is in your hands, but it doesn’t come without it’s challenges. In today’s Alliance of Independent Authors Blog post, we'll explore the strategies and platforms that can help self-published authors distribute their books worldwide.
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Member Milestones March 2024

ALLi Member Milestones: Selfie Award Shortlists, Debut Novels, Four-Figure Months and More!

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates success stories from across our members as inspiration for our indie author community. This time we celebrate Selfie award shortlists, debut novels,  four figure months and more... A big congratulations to those featured in this month's Member Milestones: Anna Sayburn Lane, Mark Coram, Susan Grossey, Jill Dobson, and Felicity Green. 
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SEO Updates 2024

Improve Your Author Website with SEO Updates for 2024: Six Easy Tips

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about giving your author site the best chance to reach the top of search engine listings. The goalposts are always changing. In this post, ALLi Partner Member Debbie Emmitt shares six easy tips you can put into action to improve your author website and maximise your chances of being noticed in 2024.
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