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Accountability Coaching For Indie Authors: Alexa Bigwarfe

Accountability Coaching for Indie Authors: Alexa Bigwarfe


bigwarfe-headshot-bw-squareHaving trouble reaching your writing, publishing or selling goals? While we drown in daily responsibilities, our books often get left in the dust. What you need is to be held accountable for where the time goes and held to prioritizing your creative time so that you get all the way from intention to completion.

Alexa Bigwarfe, author coach and publisher, shows you how to set up accountability systems that work for your publishing and marketing tasks.

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What questions or feedback do you have for Alexa Bigwarfe? Leave her a comment below, or send her a Tweet using @writepubsell and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Alexa Bigwarfe


Enter for a chance to win two months in the Write.Publish.Sell Accountability Membership program. Goal tracking, personal accountability, partners, and access to resources and useful materials all ensure that, if you follow the program, will stay on track to finish your book. Also receive a 30 minute coaching session.

Alexa Bigwarfe

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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