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Get Your Indie Book Into Schools

How to Get Your Indie Book into Schools: Tips for Self-Published Authors

In this #AskALLi blog post, guest blogger David H. Hendrickson, award winning author and writer of How to Get Your Book into Schools and Double Your Income with Volume Sales, shares his top tips for placing your books in schools. This post covers a wide range of advice, from making contact with schools to promotional options, timings and discounts. 
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The Importance of High-Quality Editing: Book Award Update July 2024

In this regular series from the Alliance of Independent Authors, our Book Awards Advisor, Hannah Jacobson from Book Award Pro shares her tips for entering your indie books into awards and competitions. This month, Hannah details her view on perhaps the most important investment you can make if you want to produce an award-worthy book... editing. 
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After A Book Launch

What Do I Do When a Book Launch Is Over?

Congratulations on publishing your book! As an indie author, the journey doesn't end with hitting "publish." In fact, it's just the beginning of a new adventure. After a book launch, it's crucial to maintain momentum, build your brand, and lay the groundwork for future success. In this Alliance of Independent Authors blog post, we'll cover key steps you should take to make the most of your book launch and beyond.
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Subscription Models for Indie Authors: ALLi Ultimate Guide

Reader subscriptions can be a great way to connect with your fans, generate revenue and cultivate a loyal following. By offering exclusive content, personalized interactions or behind-the-scenes access, authors can create a sustainable income stream while strengthening reader relationships. In today’s post, we'll delve into the essentials of establishing and running a subscription for authors programme, exploring key models, tools and best practices to maximize success so you can watch your fanbase flourish.
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Book Awards March 2024

Book Award Update For Indie Authors: March 2024 – Avoiding Common Pitfalls

As an independent author, having your labor of love recognized with a prestigious book award can feel like the ultimate validation of your talents and hard work. However, the road to literary accolades is filled with potential potholes that can derail your chance at success if you're not careful. In this Book Award Update March 2024, we'll explore some of the most common mistakes indie authors make when entering book awards—and how to avoid them.
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SEO Updates 2024

Improve Your Author Website with SEO Updates for 2024: Six Easy Tips

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about giving your author site the best chance to reach the top of search engine listings. The goalposts are always changing. In this post, ALLi Partner Member Debbie Emmitt shares six easy tips you can put into action to improve your author website and maximise your chances of being noticed in 2024.
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Audiobook Award Tips

Top Tips for Entering Audiobook Awards for Indie Authors: Award Update February 2024

Audiobooks have become a convenient reading choice for many people living fast-paced lives, fitting seamlessly into busy daily routines. This shift in readers' habits is reflected in the expansion of audiobook categories in book awards, which serve to acknowledge the unique qualities and contributions of this burgeoning medium. Today I take a closer look at audiobook awards. 
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Setting Up An Indie Author Festival

Setting up an Indie Author Festival: ALLi Ultimate Guide

As the independent author community grows, the need for new platforms to showcase our work becomes increasingly important. Enter the indie author festival – a celebration of literature, creativity, and the diversity of stories being told by indie authors. This ALLi post explores the steps involved in creating a space where self-published authors can connect with readers, fellow writers, and the literary community at large.
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