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Opening Up To Indie Authors: Dan Holloway & Debbie Young

Opening up to Indie Authors: Dan Holloway & Debbie Young


Dan Holloway Indie Author Fringe Speaker Debbie Young Indie Author Fringe Speaker

The Opening Up To Indie Authors Campaign from the Alliance of Independent Authors (#PublishingOpenUp) encourages bookstores, libraries, literary events and awards, and traditional review outlets to include self-publishers in their programs and educates authors who are interested in participating in the “reader industry”. This audio reading by the authors of the 2017 edition of the book at the heart of the campaign, focusses on getting self-published books on the program at literary festivals and events.

#IndieAuthorFringe Opening up to Indie Authors @DebbieYoungBN @agnieszkasshoes bit.ly/2saa90y Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Debbie Young or Dan Holloway? Leave them a comment below, or send them a Tweet using @DebbieYoungBN or @agnieszkasshoes and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Calling Indie Authors Everywhere:

ALLi runs an ongoing campaign to encourage and aid literary events, festivals, prizes, reviewers, booksellers and other intermediaries in the author-reader relationship to find ways to include self-publishing authors in their programs.

We are seeking 10,000 signatures from self-publishing authors for our Open Up To Indie Authors petition which we will bring to various bodies, to further our campaign

You can add your name right now, quickly and easily, by using the sign up box below.

More details about the campaign can be found here. And you can pass on our petition to your author friends with this link: https://allianceindependentauthors.org/petition.

Join ALLi - 21 Reasons to Join

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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