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What Is An Authorpreneur? Advice On Running An Indie Author Business

What Is An Authorpreneur? Advice on Running An Indie Author Business

What is an authorpreneur? It's a mix of two previously opposed words “author” + “entrepreneur”, a new word for new times.

Authorpreneurs apply entrepreneurial skills and mindset to making a sustainable and ongoing living as an author-publisher.

They have learned how to promote, market, sell and profit from their writing, not as a once-off, but through the dedicated application of one of ten possible business models.

As 21st-century style self-publishing has matured, it's clear that indie authors who are serious about making a living from self-published books need to treat their writing like a business. To indies with a business background, this is a natural progression, while for others, it's a harder transition and there's much to be learned.

Through our Self-Publishing 3.0 campaign and Authorpreneur Membership, ALLi offers guidance specifically to this group of authors who need to divide their time and other resources effectively between creating, promoting and marketing their books, and running their author business.

Below are links to some of these resources, from our blog and bi-annual online advice conference, #selfpubcon.


Sign up for #SelfPubCon

If that plethora of helpful free advice has left you hungry for more of the same, you can already sign up to attend our first free IAF of the new year here.

Authors - want to be a better #authorpreneur in 2018? Catch these 24 free online talks from successful indie #authors Share on X


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