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The Profitable Author: Revenue Streams To Grow Your Publishing Business: Stephanie Chandler

The Profitable Author: Revenue Streams to Grow Your Publishing Business: Stephanie Chandler


Stephanie Chandler

At some point in their writing life, almost every author needs more income than their books provide. In this content-rich presentation, Stephanie Chandler shares real-world examples and strategies for adding lucrative revenue streams to your author/publisher business. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been an author for many years, this presentation is jam packed with powerful methods for growing your author business in ways you might never have imagined.

#IndieAuthorFringe Revenue Streams to Grow Your #selfpub Business @nonfictionassoc http://bit.ly/2krhCIG Share on X

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Click here to find out more about Stephanie Chandler


Stephanie is offer one lucky winner her Ultimate Author Marketing Course–$697 value. The Ultimate Author Marketing course  provides a comprehensive solution for serious nonfiction authors who want to build an effective marketing plan, establish a powerful online presence, sell more books, and generate revenues from related products and services.

Stephanie Chandler


This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. You’ve really gotten my gears turning! I published my first nonfiction book this year and although I feel like I generally stay on top of the fiction stuff, I felt a bit at sea when it comes to NF. Thanks f or sharing your time and expertise

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