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Does Facebook Advertising Really Work For Books? The Facts: Michael Alvear

Does Facebook Advertising Really Work For Books? The Facts: Michael Alvear


michael-alvearThe more we can find out about the performance of other indie authors’ Facebook ads, the more we all stand to gain. Michael Alvear, author of Make A Killing On Kindle, is gathering firsthand experience of Facebook advertising from authors all round the world. Here he presents an interim report on his findings.

Complete Michael's survey here: Facebook Survey
Sign up for the results of the survey here: Facebook Ad Survey Results
Join the Facebook Group demonstrating successful Ads here: Facebook Ads Good Practice Group

#IndieAuthorFringe Do Facebook Ads Really Work For Books? Michael Alvear http://bit.ly/2y4CoTH Share on X

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Click here to find out more about Michael Alvear


5 copies of the just-launched Make A Killing On Kindle 2018 EDITION. Retails for $9.99 ebook.

Michael Alvear


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