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Payments To Authors: Past Campaigns & Future Possibilities: Barbara Hayes And Maureen Duffy

Payments To Authors: Past Campaigns & Future Possibilities: Barbara Hayes and Maureen Duffy


maureen-duffybarbara-for-website-300x194Novelist, poet and playwright Maureen Duffy, who has been at the forefront of international campaigns for authors’ rights for decades, in conversation with Barbara Hayes, of Public Lending Right (PLR) International and Deputy CEO of the UK Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS). Their wide-ranging discussion takes in the value of intellectual property, how campaigns of the past were won and the future for micro-payments to authors on a global scale.

#IndieAuthorFringe Payments To Authors @B_Hayes_ALCS @MaureenPDuffy bit.ly/2xWpbfS Share on X

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Click here to find out more about Maureen Duffy

Click here to find out more about Barbara Hayes

 Free Downloads

Download your copy of 5 seriously dumb myths about copyright the media should stop repeating, and Ten principles for fair contracts for authors from the International Authors Forum. Click the icons/images below to view and download the pdf.

5 Seriously dumb myths about copyright

10 principals for fair contracts for authors



This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. An interesting session on international agencies and copyright, but too Euro- and Brit- centric for someone based in Canada. I found it odd that a Brit doesn’t know that Canada is a Commonwealth/common law country and copyright here follows the British model of automatic copyright that does not need to be registered. The issue here at the moment is ‘fair dealing’ -how much can schools and libraries copy…. and that is being fought out in the common law courts. I wouid have been interested also to hear opinions on Creative Commons vs. DRM restricted eBooks.

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