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Bookbub Ads For Beginners: Adam Croft

Bookbub Ads For Beginners: Adam Croft


Adam CroftHave you tried and failed to get a Bookbub Featured Deal? There is another way to access Bookbub’s growing hordes of keen readers: their advertising program. Adam Croft has been working on a Bookbub Advertising course for SelfpublishingFormula.com and here he shares some of his top tips for running a successful ad campaign on the foremost digital book marketing site.

#IndieAuthorFringe Bookbub Ads For Beginners @adamcroft http://bit.ly/2fTuXba Share on X

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Click here to find out more about Adam Croft


All entrants receive a FREE starter library box set of four ebooks from Adam Croft.

Adam Croft


This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. Very interesting, and a nice, clear, easy-to-follow presentation style. The potential of BB ads seems incredible. But they didn’t work for you at first, so the likelihood they will work for me, so much less technologically adept than you, is fairly low. And your course only gives guidelines – not sure it will be specific enough for me. So somewhat torn about this.

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