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5 Steps To Building A Successful Author Platform Before You Publish: Donna Galanti

5 steps To Building A Successful Author Platform Before you Publish: Donna Galanti


Donna GalantiBuilding an author platform takes time and Donna makes the process not only easy but fun. Long before your book is published you can start to create a peer support network, form relationships with authors in your genre, share the wisdom you already have, volunteer for industry organizations and connect with readers via social media (yes, even before your book is out!). 

#IndieAuthorFringe 5 steps To Building A Successful Author Platform @DonnaGalanti http://bit.ly/2ytvkky Share on X

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Click here to find out more about Donna Galanti


Receive an evaluation on your website’s (or blog) strengths and weaknesses, as well as ways to improve your website based on your strategic goals.

Donna Galanti


This Post Has 11 Comments
  1. This was an awesome talk! So full of useful information and plenty of things I hadn’t heard of before. This was the perfect talk for me right now.
    I was also especially excited to see that you are an indie middle grade author! Hooray! Will definitely be following you in the future.
    Thanks for the great content!

  2. Awesome session, Donna! (Nice name, BYW) I’ve been building my platform for the past 6 years while writing my first book, but couldn’t figure out how to “connect with readers” since I didn’t have readers yet. You gave so, so many actionable points. I’ll need to bookmark this and listen to it again. THANK YOU!!!

    1. Donna, glad it was useful for you! Hope you can build that readership your seeking – and have fun doing it too. Building a community before you publish can be so key! Good luck. 🙂

  3. Thanks Donna. I love how you give so much advice yet make sure to remind us that baby steps are fine. There was a lot to take away from this session and I’m sure I’ll be watching it again. You seem to be really keen on the book blog. I’ve been hesitant to start one but from the perspective shown here I can appreciate more how valuable a tool it could be.

    1. Kim, thanks for stopping by! Blogging can be a key to much platform building. Whether it’s positioning yourself as an expert on other blogs or connecting with book bloggers or building up your own subscriber list on your own blog – these are all ways to connect with your potential readers. Hope you got the cheat sheet download too! 🙂

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