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Getting Started In Self-Publishing: James P Sumner

Getting Started in Self-Publishing: James P Sumner


James P. SumnerIn the last four years, I went from not having written a word, to being a full-time author. I don’t make millions, but I provide a comfortable life for my family by doing something I love. I’ve had a lot of help along the way, and my aim is to share that help with you. I’ve done a lot in this industry in a short space of time, and I’m keen to share my experiences in the hope it will help you make that transition to full-time author. It’s a realistic goal, and with hard work and a little help, you can achieve it.

Click here to find out more about James P. Sumner

#IndieAuthorFringe Getting Started in Self-Publishing @TheFirstHellion http://bit.ly/2yLg12N Share on X


Schedule a Skype coaching session to address any questions on navigating the beginnings of an author career. If you have a burning question or self-publishing challenge that is interrupting your progress he’s on hand to help.

James P.Sumner


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