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Writing Competitions: Why Enter and How to Win

Publishing books is most indie author's bread and butter, but how many of us still enter writing competitions? Dea Parkin,  ALLi partner member, Editor-in-chief at Fiction Feedback and Secretary of the Crime Writers’ Association, gives us an insight into her experience administrating and reading for major writing competitions and advises how best to go about preparing your entry.
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Opinion: Choosing the Right Audiobook Narrator

It's perhaps no surprise that just like a reader has a preference for one author's voice over another, listeners will have a preference for one narrator over the another. Rosalind Minett, ALLi author member debates whether the author's spoken voice is the best choice for narration or whether we should leave it up to the professionals. One thing's for certain, choosing the right audiobook narrator is a difficult task.
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Self-Publishing Predictions For 2020

Self-Publishing Predictions for 2020 and the 2020s

This New Year is special as it marks not just the changing of a year but the start of a new decade. And how things change in a decade. It's hard to believe that barely more than a decade ago the iPhone was a new fangled piece of technology. But here we are a decade later with a plethora of technology at our fingertips. Today, ALLi director Orna Ross looks not to the past, but to the future, to 2020 and the decade to come. Here are her self-publishing predictions for 2020 and the 2020s.
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Best Podcasts Of 2019

#AskALLi Self-Publishing Salons: The Best Podcasts of 2019

Here we present the best podcasts of 2019. When it comes to reading, who said the eyes always have it? In fact, 2019 was the year of the ear. We're getting our information via podcasts, increasingly reading via audiobook. By now, even those who at first harumphed at audio are starting to get the message as the sales figures come in. At the Alliance of Independent Authors, we get it. That's why we spent much of 2019 expanding and improving upon our #AskALLi series of podcasts. We launched new ones, livened up old ones, and our audience is growing along with the the growth of audio.
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How I Had My Best Book Launch Ever (and You Can, Too)

Book launches can be as exciting as they are stressful, especially if you've ploughed money into marketing and need a good return on your investment. But what happens if you've seen dwindling sales from launches? Can you turn it around? Or are you doomed? Kristina Adams, ALLi partner member knows you can turn it around. She's here to share how she went from her worst launch ever to her best launch in just one book.
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