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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Tips for Indie Authors: Reaching More Readers Podcast with Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland

In the Reaching More Readers podcast, Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland discuss effective email marketing strategies for indie authors. They cover topics like choosing an email service, welcome emails, metrics to track, and engaging subscribers on a regular basis. The hosts aim to provide practical tips and best practices to help authors connect with readers and promote their books through email newsletters.
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Self-Publishing Facts And Figures

New Self-Publishing Facts and Figures Released

Following the world’s first independent and international survey of the incomes of self-published (“indie”) authors, commissioned by ALLi and presented at the London Book Fair in April 2023, which showed that self-published authors earn more than authors with traditional publishers, two further reports are now available, offering authors even more facts and figures on self-publishing so that they can make confident business choices.
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ALLi’s Best Self-Publishing Advice Posts 2022 – General

We're on the last stretch of our annual round up of the best posts from 2022. The Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team's aim is to bring you the best, most comprehensive content on every aspect of the publishing journey. We want our content to be helpful and applicable no matter whether you're a beginner or an established author. Today, we're bringing you a selection of the best general indie author blogs from 2022. 
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Does Free Still Work? Indie Author Marketing

You've spent weeks, months or even years working on a book. Countless hours of blood, sweat and tears, and now you have to give your work away for free? It can be a hard one to accept, but if you shift your mindset, using "free" as a marketing tactic, a tool in your book promo belt can work wonders for you. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is asking and answering the question, does free still work? 
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SelfPubCon 2022: What’s Coming

The Self-Publishing Advice Conference (#SelfPubCon22) is almost upon us. We’ve got a fantastic online speaker lineup. Take a look below, make your plans, and save the date – Saturday 29th October, 10am – Sunday 30th October, 10am.  If you haven’t already, register here for your three free days. If you attended before, your free registration still stands. No log-in is needed, just hop on over on the day and visit the Session Feed.
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Dealing With Overwhelm: Image Of Woman Holding Her Head

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Self-Publishing Overwhelm

Being an indie author is a lot of work and no one said it would be easy. Which is undoubtably why so many of us, at all levels of publishing, still suffer with overwhelm. That's exactly what we're talking about today. Overcoming overwhelm is not only important but vital to the health of your business and your ability to continue writing. The Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team thanks its members for their contributions to today's post.
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Open Up to Indie Authors: Campaign Update from ALLi

For ten years, the Alliance of Independent Authors has worked to improve representation for indie authors. One aspect of that work has been getting organizations, awards and services to open their doors to self-publishers. We're delighted to have recently appointed a dedicated manager, Melissa Addey, for this important work and to have updated our Open Up To Indie Authors campaign and "Open Up" guidebook series. This is our Open Up To Indie Authors Campaign update.
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