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Member Milestones March 2024

ALLi Member Milestones: Selfie Award Shortlists, Debut Novels, Four-Figure Months and More!

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates success stories from across our members as inspiration for our indie author community. This time we celebrate Selfie award shortlists, debut novels,  four figure months and more... A big congratulations to those featured in this month's Member Milestones: Anna Sayburn Lane, Mark Coram, Susan Grossey, Jill Dobson, and Felicity Green. 
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Member Milestones: February 2024

Publishing in Retirement, A First Standalone Novel, and an Escape Room Experience: Celebrating ALLi Member Milestones

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates indie author success stories from across our members as inspiration for our indie author community. This time around we celebrate first standalone novels, publishing after retirement, and a locked room experience based on historical fiction books. A big congratulations to those featured in this month's Member Milestones: February 2024. 
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The Ultimate Guide to Creative Rest for Indie Authors

Ask a dozen people what rest looks like, and you'll get a dozen different answers. Indie authors by nature tend to be workaholics. We have to wear so many hats, and so many roles to play, it's often difficult to remember one of those hats should be self-care. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is diving into what creative rest for indie authors should look like.
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Indie Authors and Creative Self-Publishing

FOMO, aka fear of missing out, has been around for a long time. But it feels like it's becoming more acute the more connected our world becomes. Technology and social media have eradicated barriers to communicating. We're all up in each other's business, knowing exactly what everyone is doing, what advertising they're using and how much profit it's making. But you have to wonder whether that's as poisonous as it is helpful. In this inspirational post, ALLi Director Orna Ross takes a moment to stop and reflect and remind each of us that the only way to win in this industry is to follow a creative self-publishing approach: to be uniquely-you.
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Find Your Creative Heart

Longtime ALLi advisor Joel Friedlander, and our cover feature in the 2019 Q1 Edition of The Indie Author member magazine, has helped birth hundreds of thousands of books through his business TheBook Designer.com.  His latest project, Creativity and You, invites you to attend to the quiet place inside where you’ll find the torrent of images, ideas, words, sounds. Go creative!
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