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Audiobook Narration Options

From Studio Recordings to Digital Voice Replicas: Audiobook Narration Explained with Jason Kelly

From traditional studio recordings to “synthetic narration” or “digital replicas” authors looking to produce an audiobook today will find lots of new terms being used in the industry. But what does it all mean? In this post, Jason Kelly from new ALLi partner Sounded.com shares his insight into the options available and the new terminology you may discover if you are exploring audiobook production today.
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Get Your Indie Book Into Schools

How to Get Your Indie Book into Schools: Tips for Self-Published Authors

In this #AskALLi blog post, guest blogger David H. Hendrickson, award winning author and writer of How to Get Your Book into Schools and Double Your Income with Volume Sales, shares his top tips for placing your books in schools. This post covers a wide range of advice, from making contact with schools to promotional options, timings and discounts. 
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The Importance of High-Quality Editing: Book Award Update July 2024

In this regular series from the Alliance of Independent Authors, our Book Awards Advisor, Hannah Jacobson from Book Award Pro shares her tips for entering your indie books into awards and competitions. This month, Hannah details her view on perhaps the most important investment you can make if you want to produce an award-worthy book... editing. 
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Plotting And Planning

How to Plan Your Self-Published Book: Guidance for Plotters and Planners

There are different ways to get started when writing a book. Some authors prefer to write spontaneously, seeing how one action leads to the next as they write. These authors are often described as ‘Pantsers’ meaning they write ‘by the seat of their pants’! We’ll be covering this writing approach in a future blog. In this post we’re looking at the plotter (or ‘planner’ for non-fiction) approach, with advice provided by ALLi partner member 1106 Design.
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Releasing A Second Edition

How to Plan and Release a Second Edition of Your Self-Published Book

In this post from the Alliance of Independent Authors, we are joined by guest blogger Karen Williams, bestselling book mentor, author of 10 books and a TEDx speaker. Karen shares her advice and experience on releasing a second edition of a self-published book; answering key questions and recommending what you should consider. This post focuses on non-fiction books.
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New ALLi Chidren's Guide

Exciting Updates to ALLi’s Children’s Book Writing Guide

We are delighted to announce the release of an updated and expanded version of our much-loved guide to writing for younger readers to include writing and publishing Young Adult books as well as Children’s book writing. This comprehensive guide now includes essential insights and strategies for crafting engaging stories not only for children but also for young adult (YA) readers.
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