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New ALLi Chidren's Guide

Exciting Updates to ALLi’s Children’s Book Writing Guide

We are delighted to announce the release of an updated and expanded version of our much-loved guide to writing for younger readers to include writing and publishing Young Adult books as well as Children’s book writing. This comprehensive guide now includes essential insights and strategies for crafting engaging stories not only for children but also for young adult (YA) readers.
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Member Milestones March 2024

ALLi Member Milestones: Selfie Award Shortlists, Debut Novels, Four-Figure Months and More!

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates success stories from across our members as inspiration for our indie author community. This time we celebrate Selfie award shortlists, debut novels,  four figure months and more... A big congratulations to those featured in this month's Member Milestones: Anna Sayburn Lane, Mark Coram, Susan Grossey, Jill Dobson, and Felicity Green. 
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Who Are ALLi’s Ambassadors and What Do They Do? ALLi Campaigns Podcast with Melissa Addey and Holly Greenland

This week, Campaigns Manager Melissa Addey and Blog Editor Holly Greenland explore the role of ALLi’s ambassadors: who they are and what they do. From opening up awards to speaking at events and gathering facts and figures all around the world, the ambassadors are part of ALLi’s outreach, amplifying ALLi’s voice to authors everywhere. Ambassadors work with our campaigning efforts to understand what needs to be done to support indie authors and make it happen.
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Giving Back to the Indie Author Community as a Self-Publishing Author

The indie author community is renowned for being welcoming. If you've been in the industry for any amount of time, you'll have heard someone say 'a rising tide lifts all boats'. It's what makes being an indie author so wonderful. Today, as 2022 draws to a close and we have our eyes on 2023, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is thinking of all the ways we can give back in 2023. This is how to give back to the indie author community in 2023.
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Making the Most of Your ALLi Author Membership

As an author member of the Alliance of Independent Authors (known as ALLi, pronounced like the word “ally”), you’ve self-published at least your first book and are looking to hone your skills, perhaps building your author business and author brand. How sure are you that you’re getting the most out of your ALLi author membership and that you know about all the resources available here? ALLi Communications Manager Boni Wagner-Stafford offers some insight. 
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