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Audiobook Sales

Survey Shows Slowdown in Audiobook Sales Growth, but Listeners Are More Avid: The Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway

In this episode of the Self-Publishing News Podcast, Dan Holloway discusses new surveys showing a slowdown in audiobook sales growth but an increase in listener engagement. He highlights the Independent Book Publishers Association's Innovative Voices program, offering support to publishers from marginalized communities. Dan also covers Google's recent challenges with SEO practices and piracy issues.
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SEO Updates 2024

Improve Your Author Website with SEO Updates for 2024: Six Easy Tips

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about giving your author site the best chance to reach the top of search engine listings. The goalposts are always changing. In this post, ALLi Partner Member Debbie Emmitt shares six easy tips you can put into action to improve your author website and maximise your chances of being noticed in 2024.
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Your Author Website Title Image: Graphic Image Of Author Website And Cogs

What Sells Books in 2022: How to Make a Great Author Website

If you’ve managed to build and launch a basic website to support your indie author business, congratulations! Your website is the cornerstone of your author brand and book marketing efforts. However, there’s a strong possibility it could work harder for you. That's what we're discussing in today's post. The Alliance of Independent Authors welcomes partner member and website designer, Pauline Wiles. 
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The Ultimate Guide to SEO and Findability for Indie Authors

SEO is one of those acronyms that strikes fear into the heart of non-techy authors. We may know it stands for Search Engine Optimization and that it's key to our websites and books being found by readers but we may not have the first clue how to go about it, or even why it's important. And while there is a lot of advice for making straight how-to, non-fiction findable, literary writing poses particular challenges. This is the Alliance of Independent Authors no-coding required, Ultimate Guide to SEO and Findability for Indie Authors. Our thanks to Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts, Michele DeFilippo for contributions to this post.
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SEO For Authors: Google Search Algorithm Changes

SEO for Authors: Google Search Algorithm Changes

If there's one thing we can all be assured of in our industry, it's that change is a constant. The blog has run in its current format for a while, but with algorithm changes at Google Search affecting SEO for authors, we're changing our format. This post explains the changes you can expect around here and what the Google Search algorithm changes might mean for you.
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