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ALLi’s Best Self-Publishing Advice Posts 2022 – General

We're on the last stretch of our annual round up of the best posts from 2022. The Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team's aim is to bring you the best, most comprehensive content on every aspect of the publishing journey. We want our content to be helpful and applicable no matter whether you're a beginner or an established author. Today, we're bringing you a selection of the best general indie author blogs from 2022. 
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How to Publish an eBook

While print books have been the backbone and primary format for traditional publishing for... well, forever, that's not the case for indies. Typically, indie authors are digital first, focused on ebook sales and then audio and print next. So how do you actually publish an ebook? The Alliance of Independent Authors extends thanks to Linh Thoi for her contributions to this post. This is how to publish an ebook.
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Encore Month: Simple Tips for Formatting Your Book Blurb

If you've ever pulled out your hair trying to figure out how to add spaces between paragraphs, or to bold or italicize your font when formatting book blurb on your Amazon KDP dashboard, you'll appreciate these HTML (hypertext markup language) tips from Rob Johnson.
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