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Tools For Independent Authors

The Most Useful Tools, Software, and Services for Independent Authors, with Orna Ross and Joanna Penn: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast

In this month's #AskALLi Advanced Salon, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn talk about the tools, software, and services they use that are the most advantageous for independent authors—from writing to formatting to planning, sales tracking, accounting, and more.
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What is a Cover Information Sheet?

Every reader has had a book cover catch their eye from the shelves of a bookstore, or even from a long list of Amazon search results. Sometimes all it takes is one glance. But how do you go from twinkle in your eye idea to reader grabbing cover design? Tim McConnehey, founder of Izzard Ink explains how the cover information sheet is central to taking your concept to completed commission.
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ALLi Launches 2019-2020 Broadcast Season

ALLi Launches 2019-2020 Season of #AskALLi Broadcast Salons

After taking a break for the month of July, 2019, the #AskALLi broadcast salons are back for a new season. As ALLi Communications Manager Boni Wagner-Stafford tells us, there's a bunch that's new: new shows, new co-hosts, and a new sponsor for the 2019-2020 broadcast season. 
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Encore Month: Simple Tips for Formatting Your Book Blurb

If you've ever pulled out your hair trying to figure out how to add spaces between paragraphs, or to bold or italicize your font when formatting book blurb on your Amazon KDP dashboard, you'll appreciate these HTML (hypertext markup language) tips from Rob Johnson.
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March 2018 AskALLI Members’ Q&A with Michael La Ronn and Dan Blank – Answering 9 Key Questions about Self-publishing

ALLi's monthly AskALLi Q&A podcast gives our members the opportunity to put their own queries about the self-publishing process to our resident expert indie authors, who cover a wide range of topics in every show.
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