Opinion: Why It Helps If Indie Authors Develop a Thick Skin
Watchdog Advisory: ProofProfessor
During the first quarter of 2017, ALLi's Watchdog Desk received several complaints about a company known as ProofProfessor. The complaints…
Publishing: How to Use ARC Copies to Promote New Books
In the publishing trade, it's common practice to issue prior to a book's publication a number of ARCs - which…
Dealing with Friends’ Reactions to Your Writing
Following Francis Guenette's thoughtful post on how to share your writing with your partner, we've been chatting on the ALLi…
Writing: How to Deal with Bad Reviews
Australian author Tahlia Newland, who also founded and runs the Awesome Indies book appraisal programme, shares the psychology of dealing…
Opinion: Why It’s Good to Get Bad Reviews
Theo Rogers turns the issue in his book "How to Get Good Reviews on Amazon" on its head and explains why…
Opinion: Why We Need to Talk About Ethics in Self-publishing
Historical novelist Jane Steen turns the spotlight on ethical issues - an aspect of self-publishing that she deems to be…
Watchdog: Is Kirkus Selling Dreams – or Do They Deliver?
ALLi Watchdog Giacomo Giammatteo continues his examination of the Kirkus book reviews service. A lot of companies have jumped on…
Opinion: Empowered by Self-Publishing, Still Seeking Self-Worth
What really counts as success in self-publishing? Prolific Irish author David Rory O'Neill considers the factors that validate the indie…
A Year of Opinions about Self-Publishing
Once a week, the ALLi blog serves as a soapbox for one of our members to speak out about an…
Opinion: I Love You, Lulu, But… by Francis Booth
I recently wrote an article for The Guardian’s blog about how the rise of the Creative Writing course had killed…