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Billy Bob Buttons

Interview With Edward Trayer — ‘Billy Bob Buttons’ Brings the Joy of Books to Children: Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My guest this week is Edward Trayer, but many schoolchildren, parents and teachers know him by the name Billy Bob Buttons. Edward went through a few incarnations before he settled on this persona, from a teacher to a pilot, but he found his life's calling when he brought the joy of reading and writing to children.
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Christine Reynebeau

Interview with Christine Reynebeau: Teaching Kids Nontraditional Lessons: Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My guest this week is Christine Reynebeau, a children's author who used the experience she gained working in youth development to write books that teach lessons often missed by traditional books aimed at kids. Along the way, she went through some horrific experiences with vanity presses before she finally found the right formula for self-publishing success with Dreambuilt Books.
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Opinion: The Emotion of Book Publishing

Once you've published a book or three, it's easy to forget the emotional rollercoaster the first book took you on. Sure, there are always highs and lows in this business, but there's nothing quite like the first book. ALLi associate member Nadia Stewart knows the emotion of book publishing all too well. She tell us about her journey trying to publish her first book. 
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