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After A Book Launch

What Do I Do When a Book Launch Is Over?

Congratulations on publishing your book! As an indie author, the journey doesn't end with hitting "publish." In fact, it's just the beginning of a new adventure. After a book launch, it's crucial to maintain momentum, build your brand, and lay the groundwork for future success. In this Alliance of Independent Authors blog post, we'll cover key steps you should take to make the most of your book launch and beyond.
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Book Promotion Sites

Are Book Promotion Sites Right for Me? Reaching More Readers Podcast, With Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland

This month on the Reaching More Readers podcast, Dale takes the lead advising Holly on the best ways to identify the right book promotion sites to reach your readers and make sure you don't get scammed along the way. Take a listen if you've ever considered a book promo site but didn't know where to start or which one may be right for you.
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Direct Sales

Direct Sales Mindset — The Advantages of Personal Sales, with Joe Solari: Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Throughout this presentation, Joe Solari unravels the myriad advantages of a direct sales mindset for authors, in which you gain unprecedented control over your book's pricing and promotions, and enjoy an uptick in profits and personal connection. Discover the tools and strategies that can guide you in carving out your unique path in direct sales, where your bond with your reader becomes the foundation of your success.
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Email Marketing For Authors

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Authors Part 1: Mailing List Strategy

In a three-part series starting today, the Alliance of Independent Authors #AskALLi team explores mailing lists, how to set them up, how to grow them, manage them and most importantly, build and sustain relationships and connections with your readers. With deep thanks to all of our members who contributed insightful comments and a special thanks to Heide Goody, Joseph Alexander and Wendy H Jones for their contributions as well as all the other members who took the time to respond. This is the ultimate guide to mailing lists for indie authors part 1. 
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