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Game Theory

Exploring OpenAI’s Game Theory Model for Fair Author Compensation: The Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway

In this episode of the Self-Publishing News Podcast, Dan Holloway discusses a new proposal from OpenAI that introduces cooperative game theory to determine compensation for authors whose works help train AI. This approach aims to calculate the specific contributions of individual creators to AI outputs and allocate earnings accordingly, similar to determining the mix of colors in a paint blend. Dan examines the potential of this system to fairly reward creators and its computational feasibility in revolutionizing how authors are compensated for their contributions to AI.
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Audiobook Creators

Spotify Says It Has Paid Audiobook Creators ‘Tens of Millions’ but Society of Authors Calls for Transparency: Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway

This week on the Self-Publishing News Podcast, Dan Holloway addresses Spotify's claim of paying "tens of millions" to audiobook creators. The Society of Authors and other groups are demanding greater transparency from Spotify regarding these payments. Dan explores the implications of this issue for indie authors and the publishing industry.
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