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Encore Opinion: Be a Tolerant #IndieAuthor

It's vital that we support each other if we want to continue to grow the indie community. In today's encore post, Barb Drozdowich says indie authors need to be more tolerant of each others' strengths and weaknesses, especially with regard to technical skills. From the perspective of a technical trainer, she explains how it's too easy for those with strong IT skills to inadvertently bully, belittle and upset those who struggle, and reminds us of the need to be more sensitive, especially when responding to comments on social media. 
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Book Marketing from a Standing Start as an Indie Author

The longer you're in an industry, the more knowledge and information you build. But, in a way, the more blinkers you wear too. It's hard to remember those early days of no readers and single sale days. But there's a huge number of debut authors publishing every day. Author member Alastair Crombie has just launched his first book and is here to explain what marketing from a standing start is like in the current market.
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Psychology Of Success For Authors

The Psychology of Success For Authors: Do You Secretly Think Self-Publishing is Second Best?

Is there a psychology of success for indie authors?Recently I found myself, as I often do, at a writers' conference. It was a mixed event, with about half of attendees aspiring to publication and the other half evenly divided between trade-published and self-published authorsYou can always tell which is which at these get-togethers. The indies are animatedly swapping tips and tools, ideas and insights. The trade-published authors are swapping stories of the latest problem with their agent or publisher.
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Is it Characterisation or Cultural Stereotyping?

As authors, it's important that we're free to write the things we feel most strongly about. Whether that's the travel and cultures we've experienced or the made-up fantasy worlds of our imaginations. But we also need to be sensitive to the nuanced differences between our own culture and the ones we write about. Virginia King discusses the boundary between characterisation and cultural stereotype.
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