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Surveying Self-Publishing: Facts About Indie Author Income In 2022: Images Of Blue Graphs

Surveying Self-Publishing: Facts about Indie Author Income in 2022

Publishing is a fast-paced and ever-changing industry and so we at the Alliance of Independent Authors thought it might be useful to many writing-based organizations to offer both a brief update on the importance of self-publishing today and on how organizations can ensure they are including high quality indie authors in their work, for mutual benefit. This is facts and figures about indie author income in 2022.
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Authors, Artificial Intelligence and IP: ALLi’s Submission to UK Government

Alliance of Independent Authors reply to UK government consultation on authors, artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP), recommends easy access to data, but within a clear licensing, copyright and IP framework that fosters the development of AI and its use in publishing by author-publishers and third-party publishers, while not diluting the existing rights of authors as creators and copyright holders.
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Audiblegate Fundraising

As you probably know, ALLi has been supporting the Audiblegate campaign run by the valiant and inspiring Susan May, aiming to right the wrongs done by Audible-ACX's user agreements and payment practices. The campaign is making significant in roads, but in order to continue, we're asking for the community's help.
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#Audiblegate: ALLi Campaign Update

If you're a regular reader of this blog or a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), you'll be aware of the campaign called "Audiblegate". This post by ALLi Director Orna Ross explains the nature of that campaign, how it began, the latest developments--and why it matters to all authors and publishers.
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Should You Sell Your Audiobook Rights? #Audiblegate

This is the fourth in a series of posts about the campaign known to self-publishing authors as #AudibleGate. ALLi would like to extend thanks to Colleen Cross for this post and for her work with the Fair Deal for Rights Holders and Narrators pressure group. Colleen’s first post provided useful background information that sets the context for the second more detailed post about one particular earnings category read that here. Today we're looking at whether or not you should sell your audiobook rights.
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The Truth Behind Audible Subscription Earnings

This is the third in a series of posts about the campaign known to self-publishing authors as #AudibleGate. ALLi would like to extend thanks to Colleen Cross for this post and for her work with the Fair Deal for Rights Holders and Narrators pressure group. Colleen's first post provides useful background before reading this more detailed post about one earnings category in particular. Here is a link to that post. This is the shocking truth behind audible subscription earnings.
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How Audiobook Authors and Narrators are Paid by Audible-ACX. We think.

This is the second in a series of posts about the campaign known to self-publishing authors as #AudibleGate. ALLi would like to extend thanks to Colleen Cross for this post and for her work with the Fair Deal for Rights Holders and Narrators pressure group.If you haven't already, please sign the #Audiblegate petition here . We will keep you posted as the campaign develops. Now over to Colleen, to explain how audiobook authors and narrators are paid.
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