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ALLi Watchdog Posts For 2017: A Round-up Of Best Practice Advice

ALLi Watchdog Posts for 2017: A Round-up of Best Practice Advice

Headshot of John Doppler

ALLi's Watchdog John Doppler

Each month on the ALLi blog, our excellent Watchdog John Doppler explores key issues regarding the provision of self-publishing services around the world.

He also offers broad guidance via our guidebook, Choosing a Self-publishing Service, just updated for 2018. (More about the latest edition of that invaluable publication will be here on the blog tomorrow).

Here is a round-up of John's invaluable advice posts for 2017:

Choosing The Best Self-Publishing Services: Self-Publishing Success Book 2Tune into the blog tomorrow (Friday 22nd December 2017) for an update on the new year edition of our excellent guide to self-publishing services, updated by John Doppler and fellow Watchdog Jim Giammatteo for 2018.

A must-read for all indie #authors: a summary of @JohnDoppler's 2017 best practice advice for #selfpub authors everywhere Share on X


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