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Top Blog Posts About Writing Craft In 2017 – A Round-up From The ALLi Author Advice Center

Top Blog Posts about Writing Craft in 2017 – A Round-up from the ALLi Author Advice Center

Debbie Young making notes

ALLi Author Advice Center Editor Debbie Young

Whatever you write and self-publish, there is one thing that binds us all together: our books are the result of developing our writing craft.

As 2017 draws to a close, Debbie Young, Commissioning Editor of ALLi's Author Advice Center, looks back at the year's posts about the craft of writing as a reminder of what we've learned and shared.

Each Wednesday, we run a weekly post about writing craft on the ALLi blog. The selection I've highlighted below has been chosen to appeal to the broad church of our membership, including indie authors of fiction and non-fiction, from beginning writers to experienced professionals.

Other Great Posts about Writing

There are plenty of other great posts about writing in our archive, and if you'd like to find the complete list, go to the “search by category” box in the sidebar and scroll down in the drop-down menu to “Writing a Book“.

Equally, if there is a particular aspect of writing craft that you'd like to look up, just type appropriate keywords into the search box in the sidebar. With over 1800 posts now live in our archive, you'll almost certainly find something there to help you.

And if you don't, then tell us what you're looking for, and we'll consider commissioning a post to answer your question.

More Great Posts Planned for 2018

We have more great posts about writing craft planned for the new year, including:

  • a new monthly post by ALLi partner members who specialize in editorial services, and I'll be in touch with those members soon to invite them to take part
  • a monthly post focusing on readers' genre expectations, each written by an successful author who is expert in that field

Like to Blog About Writing for ALLi?

In the meantime, if you would like to contribute a post sharing best writing practice drawing on your own experience, we'd love to hear from you. Find out more about how to submit a guest post here.

Please note, only ALLi members are eligible to write guest posts for us – so if you haven't yet joined ALLi but would like to write for us, maybe 2018 should be the year you treat yourself to ALLi membership? You'll be glad you did!

Best #writing posts from the #ALLi blog - chosen by its editor, @DebbieYoungBN - read & learn! 😉 Share on X


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