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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Jill Dobson.

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Jill Dobson. Traditionally Published as a Teen, Author Gets Tired of Waiting Game and Goes Indie

My ALLi author guest this episode is Jill Dobson, whose story is a little different from the ones I usually tell on this podcast. She found a traditional publisher at a very young age—in fact, when she was a teenager. Then she endured decades of rejection or, even worse, being ignored. She recently went indie and felt like a weight was lifted. Now, it's up to readers to decide and not a nameless gatekeeper.
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Member Milestones March 2024

ALLi Member Milestones: Selfie Award Shortlists, Debut Novels, Four-Figure Months and More!

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates success stories from across our members as inspiration for our indie author community. This time we celebrate Selfie award shortlists, debut novels,  four figure months and more... A big congratulations to those featured in this month's Member Milestones: Anna Sayburn Lane, Mark Coram, Susan Grossey, Jill Dobson, and Felicity Green. 
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Victoria Goldman

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Victoria Goldman. Author Writes Crime Fiction with a ‘Jewish Flavor’ and One Eye on Current Events

My ALLi author guest this episode is Victoria Goldman, an author of crime fiction who tried to go the traditional route, but her work was too difficult to categorize. So, she went indie, where her audience understands her unique voice. Part of that voice has to do with her Jewish identity and she writes with one eye on current events and the rise in antisemitism.
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Member Milestones: February 2024

Publishing in Retirement, A First Standalone Novel, and an Escape Room Experience: Celebrating ALLi Member Milestones

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates indie author success stories from across our members as inspiration for our indie author community. This time around we celebrate first standalone novels, publishing after retirement, and a locked room experience based on historical fiction books. A big congratulations to those featured in this month's Member Milestones: February 2024. 
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Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast 2021

Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast 2021: Authors’ Own Backstories Just As Fascinating As Their Books

On my Inspirational Indie Authors podcast 2021, I discovered that indie authors usually have lived varied and interesting lives before they ever decided to become authors. They have backstories that inform their worldview, writing style, genre choice, and usually a deep well of experience from which to draw. I have selfish reasons for hosting the Inspirational Indie Authors podcast, too. These authors inspire me to use my own backstory to become a better writer.
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Ankur Mahajan

Author Interview with Ankur Mahajan: Book Captures Rich Cultures in War Zones — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Ankur Mahajan, who turned his childhood desire to travel into a career of working to help people who live in war zones like Afghanistan. Along the way, he learned all the rich subtleties of foreign cultures. In his book, Life Beyond Bullets, Ankur wanted readers to walk away with a sense of what it's like to live in these beautiful places, and perhaps get a feel for what they're like in peacetime. 
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Julie Gray

Author Interview with Julie Gray: Unlikely Friendship with Holocaust Survivor Leads to Book, Documentary — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Julie Gray, a writer who was fleeing grief after the death of a family member. In fact, she fled from California to Israel, where she found a new chapter in her life story and an unlikely friend in a Holocaust survivor. She decided to take a chance and write his story as kind of an extension of her own, and found not only great success as an indie author, but Netflix is producing a documentary about her. It's a fascinating journey that only Julie Gray can best tell.
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