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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Tips for Indie Authors: Reaching More Readers Podcast with Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland

In the Reaching More Readers podcast, Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland discuss effective email marketing strategies for indie authors. They cover topics like choosing an email service, welcome emails, metrics to track, and engaging subscribers on a regular basis. The hosts aim to provide practical tips and best practices to help authors connect with readers and promote their books through email newsletters.
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We Need to Talk About… Indie Author Independence with ALLi Director Orna Ross

This week in our regular Alliance of Independent Authors opinion post, we take a closer look at what it really means to be independent as a self-publishing author. What motivates us to go it alone, what are the real benefits of independent creative control and how could our indie author independence evolve in the future? Read on for thoughts from ALLi Director Orna Ross and our author member community…
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Self-Publishing Facts And Figures

New Self-Publishing Facts and Figures Released

Following the world’s first independent and international survey of the incomes of self-published (“indie”) authors, commissioned by ALLi and presented at the London Book Fair in April 2023, which showed that self-published authors earn more than authors with traditional publishers, two further reports are now available, offering authors even more facts and figures on self-publishing so that they can make confident business choices.
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Open Up to Indie Authors: Campaign Update from ALLi

For ten years, the Alliance of Independent Authors has worked to improve representation for indie authors. One aspect of that work has been getting organizations, awards and services to open their doors to self-publishers. We're delighted to have recently appointed a dedicated manager, Melissa Addey, for this important work and to have updated our Open Up To Indie Authors campaign and "Open Up" guidebook series. This is our Open Up To Indie Authors Campaign update.
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Why Self-Publishers Should Join the Alliance of Independent Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors is a long standing organisation for "indie" independent authors. It's mission is to uphold ethics and foster excellence in self-publishing. ALLi has a global team who, together with ambassadors and advisors worldwide, provide trusted, best-practice information and advice to the author community and provide our members with an extensive suite of benefits. If you're not a member of the organization this post explains the benefits of being part of it and why you should join the Alliance of Independent Authors.
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Quarterly Planning For Indie Authors

Quarterly Planning for Indie Authors: Work, Rest, and Play Your Way to Writing and Selling More Books — Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Creative business is not business as usual. Authors often define success very differently from your average business owners, work from different drivers, and find most planning methods are too one-dimensional and mechanical. This session from ALLi Director Orna Ross provides a simple creative planning method designed for febrile creative minds.
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Speaker and Agenda Line Up SelfPubCon October 2020

The Self-Publishing Advice Conference is almost upon us. SelfPubCon is associated with Frankfurt Book Fair this year—which is now online. Our conference kicks off in just over a week's time. While we’re preparing the presentations and session content, the AskALLi team thought we’d share the speaker line up so you can plan your conference attendance. Wherever you are in the world, click here to sign up and secure your space now.
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Ain’t I an Author? Why Self-publishing Changes Everything for Everyone in Publishing

Self-publishing is much more than an alternative route to market for authors, says Orna Ross, director of the Alliance of Independent Authors in her opinion post this month.  Drawing on two new reports about conditions for authors, she explores myths and misunderstandings about authorship that are relics from an age that's now over. And explains how self-publishing changes everything for everyone in publishing. 
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