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How to Collaborate Across Genres

Co-authoring is a popular tactic for indie authors to widen their network, team up and produce books faster. But typically, co-authors come from similar genres. So what happens when your co-author is from a completely different genre? How do you work through your differences to produce a completed novel? Russell Phillips and Andrew Knighton teamed up and are here to show you how to collaborate across genres.
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Self-Publishing is the Best Solution to Low Author Earnings

Self-Publishing is the best solution to low author earnings and it's time this was more widely recognized in the literary and publishing industries. These days, authorship is a business, not a career a point that Orna Ross, ALLi director discusses today. Literary and publishing industries are failing to recognize this, to the detriment of authors' ability to make a living from their writing.
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The Benefits of Writing Conferences

The life of a writer can be a solitary one; and while an active social media platform goes some way towards overcoming feelings of isolation, it’s not the same as meeting people face-to-face. There are lots of ways you can do this, from writing classes and socials, to digital conferences like our #SelfPubCon. If you haven't registered yet, the next conference is in less than three weeks, hop over here to sign up. Elizabeth Dulcie, author member, has just been to two in-person writing conferences and is here to tell us why you should be attending conferences too.
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Ten Nonfiction Elements That Boost Your Business

Years of experience make an industry expert. But it's often not until they have a nonfiction book in their expertise area that they become speakers and propel their business into the limelight. But should all businesses have nonfiction books? Partner member, Karen Williams from The Book Mentor, thinks that if you do write a book on your expert area, there are ten nonfiction factors that make business boom which should be included.
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