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Book Piracy: What Indie Authors Should Do When a Print Book Gets Pirated

You finally hit publish and have your masterpiece in both physical and digital hands. And then someone pirates your book. Book piracy feels horrible and scary and hopeless. So what can you do about it and what is the impact? Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors welcomes and thanks member Rob Biesenbach for today's article all about what to do when your book gets pirated.
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Contracts for Indie Authors: A Glossary

Writers are good with words, but when it comes to contracts, they're big, long documents with loads of legal jargon. Not words we would use in flowing prose or fantasy descriptions. And yet, contracts are often a part of our working life as we license rights, sign deals, become hybrid etc. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors, welcomes Kathryn Goldman who has kindly created a contracts for creatives glossary.
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Is Copyright Broken? Part 2 – The Indie Author’s Guide to Managing Plagiarism

Is copyright broken? That's the question the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is continuing to ask today. We don't think it's broken, but it doesn't always work. In a two part series starting ending today—which started last week—we explore both piracy and plagiarism and the impact they're having on members as well as what you can do about them. With deep thanks to all of our members who contributed with insightful comments and a special thanks to John Doppler, our resident watchdog for his knowledge and contributions to the posts. This is the ultimate guide to plagiarism.
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The Indie Author's Guide To Managing Piracy

Is Copyright Broken? Part 1 – The Indie Author’s Guide to Managing Piracy

Is copyright broken? That's the question the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is asking today. We don't think it's broken, but it doesn't always work. In a two part series starting today and finishing next Monday, we explore both piracy and plagiarism and the impact they're having on members as well as what you can do about them. With deep thanks to all of our members who contributed with insightful comments and a special thanks to John Doppler, our resident watchdog for his knowledge and contributions to the posts. The Indie Author's Guide to Piracy.
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Copyright for Indie Authors

Copyright can be a confusing tricky little beast, especially if you're a non-fiction writer. But even fiction authors can come a cropper. Images, quotes, even brand names all have copyright associated to them. ALLi partner member Tim McConnehey, founder of IzzardInk is here to tease out the ins and outs of copyright for indie authors.
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ALLi Launches the Indie Authors’ Copyright Bill of Rights

Copyright is fundamental to an author’s ability to publish and trade in books, create successful author-businesses, and earn an income from their work. Thus, changes in copyright law are of deep concern to the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi). Our Copyright Bill of Rights offers ALLi’s interpretation and recommendations of what today’s authors and readers currently need from copyright law, policy, and practice.
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