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Kindle Storyteller

Self-Publishing News: 2024 Kindle Storyteller UK Launches and RBMedia Expands Audiobook Offering for Indies

It’s clearly Amazon competition time. Last week (reminder to enter!) they launched the first-ever Vellys, with $62,000 in prizes for US-based serialized fiction authors. Now in the UK, we have the flagship Kindle Storyteller Award. This has a £20,000 first prize and is open to books published through KDP between the start of May and the end of August. Books must be available as an e-book and a paperback, and must be enrolled in KDP Select until the closing date at the end of August.
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Book Awards March 2024

Book Award Update For Indie Authors: March 2024 – Avoiding Common Pitfalls

As an independent author, having your labor of love recognized with a prestigious book award can feel like the ultimate validation of your talents and hard work. However, the road to literary accolades is filled with potential potholes that can derail your chance at success if you're not careful. In this Book Award Update March 2024, we'll explore some of the most common mistakes indie authors make when entering book awards—and how to avoid them.
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Audiobook Award Tips

Top Tips for Entering Audiobook Awards for Indie Authors: Award Update February 2024

Audiobooks have become a convenient reading choice for many people living fast-paced lives, fitting seamlessly into busy daily routines. This shift in readers' habits is reflected in the expansion of audiobook categories in book awards, which serve to acknowledge the unique qualities and contributions of this burgeoning medium. Today I take a closer look at audiobook awards. 
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Opinion: The BookLife Prize for Indie Authors

As independent authors, one of the biggest challenges we face is “discoverability.” In the vast ocean of new books being uploaded onto Amazon every day, launching our own may feel a bit like casting a tiny message in a bottle into titanic waves. In order for our readers to find us, we need reviews—a lot of them—and preferably great ones from well-known and respected sources. With this in mind,  Kristan Julius, ALLi author member checked out the Publishers Weekly BookLife Prize. This is her review and experience.
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