Disarming a High-Pressure Seller (Self-Defense for Indie Authors #1)
The growth of the self-publishing industry has made it a prime target for parasites and predators. To help protect you…
Macmillan’s Acquisition of Pronoun Creates Uncertainty, Hope
Last month, I reviewed Pronoun, an intriguing, free, assisted self-publishing platform. I'm updating that review today with a significant new…
ALLi Watchdog Report: Pronoun
This week, we're taking a closer look at Pronoun, a relatively new digital distributor that's attracting a lot of interest…
This Week’s Self-publishing News
There's no getting away from that word 'new' as just one week into 2016 and already a lot is happening…
This Week’s Self-publishing News
Valerie Shanley rounds up the news in self-publishing from our ALLi partners and friends. No Solution for Authors in ASI…
Print on Demand (POD) Gets a New Player
ALLi Watchdog Giacomo Giammatteo announces exciting news of the latest big player to offer print on demand (POD) services to…
Watchdog: Review of Bookbaby
As part of our regular monthly self-publishing Watchdog series, our official ALLi Watchdog Giacomo Giammatteo turns the spotlight on Bookbaby…
Watchdog: Review of Draft2Digital
 We covered a lot of aggregators in the “Choosing a Self-Publishing Service” book, released in the Spring, documenting the…
Watchdog: Is A Kirkus Review Worth The Price?
ALLi Watchdog Giacomo Giammatteo provides a balanced and objective appraisal of Kirkus, the paid review service used by some indie…
The Alliance of Independent Authors Watchdog Warning: New Self-Publishing Resource from Writers & Artists
Another once-venerable publishing brand, Writers & Artists, an imprint of the Bloomsbury group, is showing little regard for writers as…
How Self-Publishers Are Changing Publishing #4
Publishers are still trying to get their heads around how to deal with self-publishing authors. The most recent attempt was…