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Speaker and Agenda Line Up SelfPubCon October 2020

The Self-Publishing Advice Conference is almost upon us. SelfPubCon is associated with Frankfurt Book Fair this year—which is now online. Our conference kicks off in just over a week's time. While we’re preparing the presentations and session content, the AskALLi team thought we’d share the speaker line up so you can plan your conference attendance. Wherever you are in the world, click here to sign up and secure your space now.
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International Insights: Big Bad Wolf

For the next edition of the Alliance of Independent Authors International Insights hosted by Mark Williams of The New Publishing Standard, we’re moving on to Big Bad Wolf. If you missed our introduction series to global book markets, you can read them here: Africa, India and China markets in Asia, the Middle East North Africa markets, the Ibero-America markets, the Asia-Pacific markets and the European markets, and also a special edition on the English-language markets. This is international insights: Big Bad Wolf.
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True Fans

How Authors Can Make an Income from 1,000 True Fans, Podcast with Orna Ross and Joanna Penn: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast

In 2008 Kevin Kelly wrote about the value of a creator having 1,000 true fans (you can read the updated version of the essay here). The idea is that you don’t need to be an influencer with a million followers to make a living from your work. All you need are 1,000 true fans each spending $100 a year on your products or services, for you to make $100,000 a year. But does the concept hold true for authors? Are books, a low cost item, enough or do you have to add on more premium products? And how does an author create true fans… and keep them? Join Orna and Joanna to find out. 
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International Insights: Amazon

International Insights: Amazon

For the next edition of the Alliance of Independent Authors International Insights hosted by Mark Williams of The New Publishing Standard, we’re moving on to the giant that is Amazon. If you missed our introduction series to global book markets, you can read them here: Africa, India and China markets in Asia, the Middle East North Africa markets, the Ibero-America markets, the Asia-Pacific markets and the European markets, and also a special edition on the English-language markets. This is international insights: Amazon edition.
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Alliance of Independent Authors: Coronavirus Assistance, Advice and Resources for Independent Authors

Leaders around the world have told us that we are in the middle of the health crisis induced by COVID-19, coronavirus, and we are all now facing into its implications. Most of us, we are told, can expect nothing worse than a week in bed with flu-like symptoms, but some of us are greatly vulnerable. We at ALLi want to wish you and your loved ones wellness and recovery. Your health and wellbeing is what’s most important at this time. Stay as safe as you can. 
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