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Best Book Distribution Tips Of 2020 For Indie Authors

Best Book Distribution Tips of 2020 for Indie Authors

As we near the end of the year, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team wanted to use December to look back at 2020 and the range of ultimate guides and posts we've created to help you write, publish and market your books. Today, we've collated all of the distribution posts, podcasts and books from the team to help you improve your publishing skills. Here are the best distribution tips of 2020.

For those of you new to the blog, or those wanting to make the most of it. The blog is written and compiled by ALLi advisors, members, and team and edited by Orna Ross, ALLi Director and Blog Manager, Sacha Black. It offers advice across the seven processes of publishing:

There’s also advice on making a living as an author and running an author business, as well as weekly news bulletin by Dan Holloway about all that’s happening in the indie author world.

If you can't find the answer to a self-publishing question, you can do one of two things. First up, you can use the search bar at the top to ask a question. You can also view the categories on the right hand side to view more posts on that particular topic.

Best Book Distribution Tips of 2020: Distribution Strategy

Writing a book is quite an endeavour, but once you’ve got it edited, and you’re ready to put it into the world, how do you actually do that? There’s so many options from exclusivity, to wide marketing, there’s aggregators and going direct to distributors. In this post, we cover book distribution.

Best Book Distribution Tips of 2020: ISBNs

In 2020, ALLi tackled ISBNs in two different ways. With a lengthy post contribution from Nielsen, the UK ISBN distributor. Whether owning your own ISBNs is worthwhile or necessary is a subject of some debate in the indie author community. Many choose to publish without but ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors,  recommends that authors should purchase their own ISBNs and use them in the manner recommended by their territory’s book sales monitoring agency. That's why we've covered ISBNs in such detail. First, in this post contributed in part by Nielsen. And secondly, publishing a short guide.

The Short Publishing Guide from the AskALLi team at the Alliance of Independent Authors offers all the key facts you need to know  to make informed decisions about ISBNs when self-publishing your books. 

ALLi members can download their complimentary ebook copy of Using ISBNs for your Self-Published Books in the Member Zone. Navigate to allianceindependentauthors.org and log in. Then navigate to the following menu: BOOKS > GUIDEBOOKS. Other formats are available to members and non-members in ALLi’s Bookshop

Best Book Distribution Tips of 2020: Accessibility

With the rise in advancing technologies, making our self-published books accessible to everyone is becoming easier and easier. In this post, we examine accessibility issues for indie authors and how you can make your books more accessible. With thanks to ALLi Partner member Jens Troeger from Bookalope for his contributions to this post.

Best Book Distribution Tips of 2020: Global Distribution

We're very lucky to have Mark Williams from The New Publishing Standard contribute to ALLi  through his International Insights articles.

With his global viewpoint, Mark has contributed many articles to the distribution arena, but two strike us as particularly useful in helping you distribute your books globally. In this article, Mark discusses the options available for indie friendly aggregators. In this next article, Mark explains why if you want to reach a global audience, Amazon is not the answer. He continues to highlight the best distributors to get your books as far and deep into a global reach as possible.

Best Book Distribution Tips of 2020: Bookstore Distribution

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to get your self-published books into physical bookstores, locally and internationally?

Winning Shelf Space: Get Your Self-Published Books Into Bookstores outlines everything you need to know to get your books on physical bookshelves and, more importantly, moving off them and into the hands of new readers.

ALLi members can download their complimentary ebook copy of Winning Shelf Space in the Member Zone. Navigate to allianceindependentauthors.org and log in. Then navigate to the following menu: BOOKS > GUIDEBOOKS. Other formats are available to members and non-members in ALLi’s Bookshop



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