Indie Authors at BEA 2014
This is a long post because it marks a major milestone for indie authors: gaining a foothold at Book Expo…
This is a long post because it marks a major milestone for indie authors: gaining a foothold at Book Expo…
Here at The Alliance of Independent Authors, we’re trying to get an answer to that question. At the Digital Minds…
It's update time for our Choosing A Self-Publishing Service Guidebook. Our latest edition will be released next week on Amazon and all major retailers…
Half or more of the books on Amazon’s daily bestseller lists are now self-published. At The Alliance of Independent Authors…
No, this isn't one of those articles about how self-publishing is the way forward for all writers and Penguin-Random House…
This week, as she launches a poetry anthology for Christmas and celebrates being dubbed "One of The 100 Most Influential…
The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) and I have been quoted and, yes, even misquoted, about the removal of author-published…
Let's talk terminology -- a subject that's been exercising minds around ALLi Towers of late. And for the purposes of…
Another once-venerable publishing brand, Writers & Artists, an imprint of the Bloomsbury group, is showing little regard for writers as…
I didn't know Ann Crispin personally but her friend and partner at Writer Beware, Victoria Strauss, has been a Writers'…
Before we get back to normal transmission next week, we thought you might like Tolstoy's answer to the indie…
ALLi is delighted to announce a new arrangement with PubMatch, the international book rights network. The deal means ALLi Author…