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16 Self-Publishing Success Stories to Inspire Your New Year as an Indie Author

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ALLi: All for one and one for all!

Today in our season of retrospective posts, we revisit the self-publishing success stories that we've featured on the ALLi blog throughout 2017, celebrating remarkable achievements by indie authors around the world across many different genres.

All of these authors have something in common: they were once unpublished beginners, with no books to their name, just starting on their journey to publication.

Wherever you are on your own self-publishing trajectory, we hope their candid answers to our questions will be of practical help and provide inspiration to you for the new writing year.

Where will you be by this time next year? Seize the year, and go for your self-publishing dreams!

16 #Selfpublishing Success Stories - to inspire indie #authors everywhere for a brilliant new writing year! Share on X


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