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16 Top Self-publishing Opinion Posts On The ALLi Blog In 2015

16 Top Self-publishing Opinion Posts on the ALLi Blog in 2015

Debbie Young at graduation ceremony

When she was young enough to think she knew it all… Debbie Young, class valedictorian, sharing her views on the world!

Ask any five indie authors what they think of some of the more controversial aspects of self-publishing, such as whether or not you should invest in your own ISBNs, and you’re likely to hear at least six opinions! Debbie Young collates the most discussed Opinion posts on the ALLi blog in 2015 – and invites guest posters for 2016.

Indie Authors Make Up their Own Minds

One of the many joys of being independent is that we can develop and hold our own views, without worrying about alienating or upsetting our publisher. And one of the benefits of ALLi membership is being able to discuss our opinions with other indie authors and to learn as we go – in confidence on ALLi’s private Facebook forum (a members-only privilege), in public on the blog, at our growing network of local Meetups or other events.

I know I’ve personally learned a great deal from hearing and discussing ALLi members’ views in all of these places, and while of course I don’t agree with them all, the experience has certainly broadened my mind and experience – in fact, I feel like I’ve been living on the fast track, what with a new, thoughtful and heartfelt Opinion post coming out on the blog every week.

16 Most Discussed Opinion Posts in 2015

Here are the Opinion posts that generated the most comments during 2015:

I guarantee no-one will agree with all of them! And there are plenty more where those came from – in fact, you can view our whole archive of opinions here, or at any time by clicking on “Debate and Opinion” in the Categories box in the sidebar on the right of the blog.

Step up to the Soapbox

Do you have a burning Opinion that you’d like to share with our readers? If so, I’d love to hear from you! Check out our Guest Post Guidelines, which include a link to email me once you've read them.

Note Only ALLi members are entitled to write guest posts for us – but that’s another great reason to join our organisation! For more about this and the numerous other membership benefits, click here.

16 top #selfpub opinion pieces in 2016 collated by @DebbieYoungBN Share on X




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