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10 Inspirational Posts For Successful Writing And Self-publishing In 2017

10 Inspirational Posts for Successful Writing and Self-publishing in 2017

Looking back over our last year's #WritersWednesday posts, ALLi's Author Advice Center Editor Debbie Young has rounded up 10 constructive tips to help you work towards your writing goals for 2017.

1) Make sure your creative batteries are always fully charged by getting plenty of good quality sleep. If you're in the bad habit of running on empty, you'll be surprised at what a difference good sleeping habits make to your productivity.

2) Look after yourself in other practical ways too, for example by nurturing your hands and wrists.

3) Find writing role models that are meaningful to you and whose example inspires you to emulate them.

4) Tool up for the job. While some of us are happy with pen and paper, there are plenty of specialist tools around that can lighten your load.

5) Stuck for material? Read your blog archive for ideas that have previously excited you. Or you might even repurpose blog posts to make books.

6) Is it time to change your writing habits? Keep an open mind and be ready to try new techniques. You might find they transform your productivity.

7) Don't forget to bring in reinforcements to fine-tune your writing – beta readers are the writer's best friend, and the rewards are two-way.

8) If in doubt, keep writing! Even if you feel like you're writing gibberish, don't lose your momentum.

9) Need to boost your writing income? Consider commercial freelance work to supplement the projects closest to your heart.

10) Finally, and most important of all, love your writing! Don't let the pressures of self-publishing sap the joy.

Good luck in meeting your writing objectives in 2017, and happy new writing year!

10 top tips to inspire your new #writing year in 2017 - for #selfpub #authors by @DebbieYoungBN Share on X


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