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Three Guiding Publishing Values

The Three Guiding Publishing Values: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross

In her final episode on the Creative Self-Publishing stream of the Self-Publishing Advice & Inspirations podcast, Orna Ross outlines the relationship between publishing models and marketing models for indie authors. There are three guiding publishing values: productivity, connection, and originality—and knowing your top publishing value gives you the framework for your marketing. This episode guides you through.
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Email List

Five Reasons Authors Need an Email List: Reaching More Readers Podcast with Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland

In the Reaching More Readers podcast, Dale L. Roberts and Holly Greenland discuss five compelling reasons why authors should maintain an email list. They address the common perception that email marketing is crucial for an author's business despite some authors' reluctance to embrace it. The hesitations often stem from concerns about time and effort, technical challenges, fear of spamming, and a lack of understanding or concern over costs. However, Dale and Holly argue that email marketing does not demand excessive time, expertise, or financial investment. With a plethora of online tutorials and free email marketing services available, the primary barrier for many is simply inexperience—a starting point for everyone.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Ricardo Fayet

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Ricardo Fayet. Reedsy Cofounder Helps Gather Indie Publishing Ecosystem

My ALLi author guest this episode is Ricardo Fayet, a cofounder of Reedsy, a marketplace connecting authors to editors, cover designers, book marketers, translators, and other professionals. As for Ricardo, when he's not coming up with new and expanded services for Reedsy, he's writing books on an important part of the publishing ecosystem: marketing.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Melissa Addey

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Melissa Addey. ALLi Campaigns Manager Helps Other Authors Find Their Voices

My ALLi author guest this episode is Melissa Addey, who you may already know as the campaigns manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors and co-host of the Beginners Self-Publishing podcast. But Melissa is also an accomplished indie author, herself, focusing on historical fiction. She also uses her expertise to help other self-published authors find their voices.
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