Self-publishing news: Diminishing Returns?
I type this on what a seat of the pants thriller would romantically call the red-eye shift. To you and…
I type this on what a seat of the pants thriller would romantically call the red-eye shift. To you and…
With apologies, I turn once for inspiration again this week to the world of endurance running (don't worry, next week I…
Valerie Shanley reports on what's making the news for ALLi members and friends Your Book Is So Next Year iBooks…
Self-published novelist Jan Ruth, based in Wales, shares the success story of how she used free book giveaways to raise…
Indie author Pam Dixon shares her success story using Kindle Countdown to promote her self-published short fiction. The initial KDP…
MONDAY OPINION. Guest Post by Mark Coker. For more of Mark's thoughts on the dangers of exclusivity and importance of…