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Best Business Tips of 2020 for Indie Authors

As we near the end of the year, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team wanted to use December to look back at 2020 and the range of ultimate guides and posts we've created to help you write, publish and market your books. Today, we've collated all of the business posts, podcasts and books from the team to help you improve your business skills. Here are the best business tips of 2020.
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The Ultimate Guide to Leveling Up Your Author Business

When you start out in any business, there's a period of time where you make do. You find quick fixes, do things cheaply and patch jobs the best you can because everything is frantic and chaotic and there's a million things that need doing. But eventually the patch jobs fray, the quick fixes don't match your branding and the cheap solutions create more problems than benefits. This week, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team dives deep into business integration, and how to deepen, polish and strengthen your author business foundations.
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Coming Out Of Lockdown: Coronavirus Lessons For Authors

Coronavirus Lockdown Lessons for Authors

When Coronavirus hit pandemic status in March 2020, no one was expecting a global lockdown. Life changed dramatically, forcing millions to stay at home, disrupting work life, social life and travel plans. New habits and routines needed forming, adjustments to family dynamics had to be made, and our creative processes were flung into turmoil. But as some countries make the long journey out of lockdown, over in the Alliance of Independent Authors, we thought we would look to the future and how we can make positive changes. This is: coming out of lockdown: coronavirus lessons for authors. 
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The Indie Author's Guide To Managing Piracy

Is Copyright Broken? Part 1 – The Indie Author’s Guide to Managing Piracy

Is copyright broken? That's the question the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is asking today. We don't think it's broken, but it doesn't always work. In a two part series starting today and finishing next Monday, we explore both piracy and plagiarism and the impact they're having on members as well as what you can do about them. With deep thanks to all of our members who contributed with insightful comments and a special thanks to John Doppler, our resident watchdog for his knowledge and contributions to the posts. The Indie Author's Guide to Piracy.
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The Ultimate Guide to Selling Books on your Author Website

Selling books is bread and butter for any author and increasing numbers of indie authors are making their own website the hub of their publishing business, with other online sellers as outposts. The Alliance of Independent Authors has a bookshop on this website where non-members can buy its books (All are free to members who can download by logging in allianceindependentauthors.org and navigating to the BOOKS menu). Today, we bring you the ultimate guide to selling books on your author website.
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How to Survive Your First Year as a Full-Time Author

Quitting your day job to write full-time is a huge achievement. But what happens when you walk away from a salary? How do you survive your first year? Alliance of Independent Authors blog manager, Sacha Black is approaching her one year anniversary and is here to share both the lessons she learned in her first year of full-time writing as well as the lessons some of our members learned. Learn how to survive your first year as a full-time author. 
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Self-Publishing Predictions For 2020

Self-Publishing Predictions for 2020 and the 2020s

This New Year is special as it marks not just the changing of a year but the start of a new decade. And how things change in a decade. It's hard to believe that barely more than a decade ago the iPhone was a new fangled piece of technology. But here we are a decade later with a plethora of technology at our fingertips. Today, ALLi director Orna Ross looks not to the past, but to the future, to 2020 and the decade to come. Here are her self-publishing predictions for 2020 and the 2020s.
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