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After A Book Launch

What Do I Do When a Book Launch Is Over?

Congratulations on publishing your book! As an indie author, the journey doesn't end with hitting "publish." In fact, it's just the beginning of a new adventure. After a book launch, it's crucial to maintain momentum, build your brand, and lay the groundwork for future success. In this Alliance of Independent Authors blog post, we'll cover key steps you should take to make the most of your book launch and beyond.
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The Ultimate Guide to Launching a Book for Indie Authors

Launching a book is an extraordinarily exciting moment in an indie authors life, especially when it's the first book. But there's so much to do. What order should you do it in and how much time do you need in advance of your launch to complete it? Today's post is the Alliance of Independent Authors' Ultimate Guide to Launching a Book (including timeline).
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Opinion: How to Prepare a Successful Book Launch

A book launch is one part excitement and one part terror. You're finally putting your creation out into the world, which means you're actually putting your creation into the world! People can have opinions and make judgments. But you can also find wonderful readers and supporters of your work. ALLi author member Kristan Julius recently launched her first independently published book and is here to explain how she made it a success.
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How I Had My Best Book Launch Ever (and You Can, Too)

Book launches can be as exciting as they are stressful, especially if you've ploughed money into marketing and need a good return on your investment. But what happens if you've seen dwindling sales from launches? Can you turn it around? Or are you doomed? Kristina Adams, ALLi partner member knows you can turn it around. She's here to share how she went from her worst launch ever to her best launch in just one book.
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