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Successful Indie Authors 2016: Part 2

Successful Indie Authors 2016: Part 2

Debbie Young

Debbie Young

Following on from ALL founder Orna Ross‘s compelling celebration of indie authors on the blog yesterday, here is the promised sequel to her post, celebrating individual success stories celebrated on our Author Advice Centre blog in 2016, via our Sunday Member Interviews feature.


Since ALLi's foundation, we've always run features on the superstars of self-publishing, which of course are becoming more numerous as time goes by. We've recently broadened our remit for the Sunday features by including authors who may not yet have hit superstar status, but are definitely “ones to watch” in 2017 and beyond.

graphic of ALLi local and people celebratingWe've welcomed as our guests names that are watchwords for indie author success, such as Robert BidinottoJohn Ellsworth, Victorine Leiske, and Terri Read.

Paving the Way for Other Indie Authors

This year my favourite Sunday profiles included interviews with ALLi members who are breaking new ground that will benefit indie authors everywhere, such as:

  • Patti Brassard Jefferson, proprietor of PJBoox bookstore which stocks exclusively indie titles
  • authorpreneur extraordinaire Derek Murphy who never does things by halves (anyone else hire a castle for NaNoWriMo?)
  • innovative award founder Carolann Copland, pioneering a new means of recognition for Irish indie authors
  • Laurence O'Bryan, founder and director of BooksGoSocial, another Irish phenomenon

Generous Sharers of Knowledge

It was also good to highlight the self-publishing careers to date of indie authors who are always generous sharers of their experience via our members-only Author Advice forum (one of 21 benefits if you join us, folks), such as:

  • David Penny, who with his clear and level-headed analytical approach has been taking Facebook ads by storm (he's not ALLi's technical director for nothing, you know)
  • Ian Sutherland, who has done a huge amount of investigation and development work in making Twitter more productive for authors
  • Wendy Jones, constantly amazing us with her new ideas for book marketing (anyone else held a booksigning at their bank?)
  • Karen Myers, one of our most frequent contributors to our blog, sharing her smart observations and analysis of good strategy and tactics throughout the year

I've appended previews of their posts below, but you can also access the back catalogue of success stories at any time by searching for our “Member Interview” category.


For More Inspiration and Information

I hope this second part of our success story round-up will inspire you to get your new writing year off to a flying start. And if you're not already an ALLi member, the start of a brand new year is a great time to join us! Click here for more information about membership.

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