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Spread The Word About Indie Author Fringe

Spread the Word About Indie Author Fringe

Our Free Online Conference for Authors

Our first Indie Author Fringe event is just around the corner – 10am (London Time) April 15th to be exact.

We've been sending out event updates each Friday to everyone who's registered for the event, so if you want to receive those updates just sign up here. You will have seen us promoting our speakers, sessions and agenda here on this blog, and across our social media networks. Now it's time to enlist your help.

Help us Spread the Word

Indie Author Fringe 2016 LogoPlease take a moment to help us spread the word about our Indie Author Fringe events.

Our online conferences are all FREE TO ATTEND (thanks to the fabulous support of our event sponsors), and they're ALL ONLINE, making each event available and accessible to every single indie author around the globe.

Do you know authors who could benefit from some stellar advice from successful indie authors and other experts in the self-publishing arena? Then let them in on the wealth of indie advice being presented at our Indie Author Fringe events.

We've created a SPREAD THE WORD page that includes Social Media links and suggested Tweets, and a Media Kit with all the relevant event information.

Willing to do a little more? How about writing a blog post on your website about the event, and posting a link to it in the comments section below.

All the information you need about Indie Author Fringe is contained in the links to pages below.

So what is the Indie Author Fringe Online Conference?

  • Each online event is 24 hours long
  • Orna Ross will kick each event off at 10am local time based on the Book Fair we're “fringing”. So for example:
    • London Book Fair Indie Author Fringe starts at 10am London Time on April 15th
    • Book Expo America Indie Author Fringe starts at 10am Chicago Time on May 14th
    • Frankfurt Book Fair Indie Author Fringe starts at 10am Frankfurt Time October 22nd
  • We'll release a new Speaker Session at least once an hour, and will continue doing that for 24 hours
  • These sessions are a mix of articles, podcasts, videos, panel discussions and twitter chats.

Click here for more general information about our 2016 Indie Author Fringe events

Here's all the links for our first Indie Author Fringe event in April:

Indie Author Fringe London Book FairOnce you've checked out each of these pages, you'll know as much as we do about our first Indie Author Fringe Conference!

Well almost, because …. lots of our speaker sessions will feature an opportunity to win a FREE Giveaway, but you won't be able to enter these until the DAY OF THE EVENT.

Our session giveaways will be featured on the content posts that are being published during the 24 hour period of LBF Indie Author Fringe, so you'll have to check back on the day for your chance to enter the all of the giveaways (yes you can enter each and every one of them!)

These giveaways include ebooks, paperbacks, audio books, subscriptions, free or discounted self-publishing services, and free access to online courses about being an indie authors and self-publishing.

Indie Author Fringe SponsorsTo get a sneak peak at the giveaways on offer, you can check out the Indie Author Fringe SPEAKER pages.

As well as informative speaker sessions and free giveaways, our sponsors are also offering discounts, self-publishing deals or giveaways:

We're excited about Indie Author Fringe .. it's going to be a fabulous event, and we want to make sure that as many people benefit from the experience and expertise we'll be sharing on the day, so share the knowledge and SPREAD THE WORD.

I'm attending Indie Author Fringe 2016. Are You? bit.ly/IAFHome #IAF16 #AuthorEvent Share on X


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